Emeth: firmness, faithfulness, truth, sureness, reliability, stability, continuance, faithfulness, reliable, truth, as spoken... is some words to describe the meaning of my son's name derived from Hebrew origin. 

My baby boy was about to make his grand entrance at my 5th month of pregnancy. During my 3 month stay in the hospital I prayed day and night for him to stay until 9 months. He didn't make it to 40 weeks but he did stay in my womb until the 3rd trimester (34 weeks). He was born at a tiny 4lbs 10 ounces and 17 inches long... now he's bigger than most 2 year old's! I'm so thankful for this happy, energetic, smart and funny child of mine (lol). There is meaning in his name... it was definite that my love was going to be born a healthy baby at the right time... I couldn't planned it any better. Thank you God for Emeth O'neil James♥ 

★Happy Mother's Day To Me★ & To All The Mothers & Caretakers♥