On This Day: In 1932 martial law was declared in Honduras to stop a revolt by banana workers fired by the United Fruit Company. The quintessential "banana republic," Honduras became a U.S. foreign enclave as a result of Anglo-American control over it's railroads, mining industry, and banana production in the 1800s. After the turn of the century, The United Fruit Company expanded it’s control over the rich alluvial plains of Honduras' Atlantic coast. By 1929, the United Fruit Company owned or controlled 650,000 acres of the best arable land in the country, along with railroads and ports. The banana operations were run like private cheifdoms, in which the company kept order and crushed labor organizing with their own security forces or by calling in U.S. troops. The indigenous people of Honduras during this time were either killed, forced to become workers in the banana fields under deplorable conditions, or chased from their traditional lands to other parts of the country. As a result of the U.S. involvement in Honduras over the years, less than 10% of the land in the entire country is officially titled to indigenous people