The truth about the massacre of stray dogs in #Romania emerges! Via Vier Pfoten Romania - 4 former dog catchers of the Bucharest City Hall disclosed yesterday the brutal methods used for capturing the stray dogs and accused the Authority for Surveillance and Animal Protection (ASPA) to force them to capture as many dogs as possible, without tranquilisers, without proper instructions and generally regardless of the methods used. They also said that the dogs were spending even 14 hours inside the vans befor being discharged to the public dog pounds and some of them were already dead because of the violent treatment. No matter the physical condition of the animals, the three private companies hired by ASPA were charging over 50 euros per captured animal.
The ASPA coordinator, Razvan Bancescu, replied that ”the capturing methods are not the most elegant, but they’re according to the law”. VIER PFOTEN asks the National Sanitarian Veterinarian Authority to check the “legality” of these deadly methods, reminding that, according to the law, hurting the animals during capture is strictly forbidden. 
By now over 16.000 stray dogs were captured by ASPA catchers. 3000 of them were already killed.