#Romania INFO! Know all about, that it is prohibited since September 1 this year, to private purchase, possess or use rat poison (and similar) across the #EU ? There must be an authorized company with license to use this substance.

.....and Toxins like Furadan is classified as a public health threat and is total banned throughout the EU.

The European Union http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-12-794_en.htm and http://ec.europa.eu/environment/legal/crime/index.htm and ESDAW - Poisoning http://www.esdaw.eu/poisoning1.html

If you see dogs or cats that become poisoned and also sees the perpetrator - try to identify the event (and the person) by taking photos with your mobile phone. Also collect the poisoned food / the substance (dog / cat vomit) in a plastic bag.

We must pay attention to the EU, to laws imposed are not followed - that animals every day suffer horribly and that children also risk becoming poisoned.

Add this (pictures and/or the substance) in a letter in which you write your city and country, and send to:

Environment Directorate-General
Environmental Crime
European Commission
B-1049 Brussels
