#Islam   #AliKhamenei #Climate2014   Der Hvth natural sources and Rose Drecht ک ی air, Rahbar more coup source Nihal instill ک rdnd. 
Rahbar S Der Islamic coup پ s Schenan ی, ah گی and Drecht Ra Bray ک hr chor and full protection of human Br ک ی you Apadan Juandnd and Ba denote by Safarh Islam and its N acht ک گ hadar Drechtan ی ی n and Hm چ n Ice گی r ی BL cut Ann, Khatrnchan ک rdnd: گ it any ک ی h h BL two officials linked to Ba and multi Drecht Drecht ک ی air presence Dard, where h AST ک گ ah ی stopped Drecht der Jaha یی ک h nba ی d Bashond cutting, can Shunde. 
The han ی Avsudnd: In addition Barr grabbing Zemin months Haye parties and Abadi Ha between BL and Rvatn پ oshch گی ah ی ی mediate Brkh members Sudjo ی ک h SPZ areas where Ra by Seaman and salary Saktman Haye Baland CAN nnd ک switch, one total of j l Haye ک گ Jo chor Nez gallery der threat of decision Woodard. 
Ba confirm Barr Dharort گی form r ی determination and strong will to Bray Ice گی r ی BL acted illegally areas Chehrha ی ک permission rdnd Bozorg parts: BL Rvatn between the parties to the environment, Sabz months versus Jo گ l Here the problems of human multi-Ra Bdnbal Woodard ک h main concern officials linked to Ba multi der Daulat, Council, and judicial Guo Shahrdari hands Bray Ice گی r ی ک BL پی hrvat Where hr t wrong, serious work Aornd feet.